All tagged revelation

Slain from the foundation of the world?

Was “Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world?” Most of us got this notion from the NIV translation. It gets the first half of verse 13:8 right, but still wrongly uses “from the creation of the world” to modify “the Lamb that was slain.” Other translations use the phrase to modify when the names were written. It’s easy to see there’s confusion even among the scholars around where this phrase belongs.

Welcome to garretthjones!

This is my official welcome post on my new blog! A royal welcome to you. This is my attempt at passing on to you inspiration for your journey in life. (I was going to say "spiritual journey" but I think that's redundant. All of life is spiritual. And true spirituality is real life. Amen!) This is also a welcome to me to the blogosphere. I know. I know. It's about time. But make room internet. I'm finally here.