All tagged heaventoearth

Top 10 most valuable occupations for the Kingdom of God...Not!

We have been given a garden to grow—to make more beautiful. We are called to bring “Heaven to Earth” in every realm, which includes the way we educate our children, the way we fertilize the soil, the way we make our laws, the way we do finances, the way we use science to heal, and how we become better servants through improving business systems, the arts and everything else

Welcome to garretthjones!

This is my official welcome post on my new blog! A royal welcome to you. This is my attempt at passing on to you inspiration for your journey in life. (I was going to say "spiritual journey" but I think that's redundant. All of life is spiritual. And true spirituality is real life. Amen!) This is also a welcome to me to the blogosphere. I know. I know. It's about time. But make room internet. I'm finally here.