All tagged Vision

A Huge Number of Evangelical Christians Say This is Their #1 Voting Issue

Unity is not agreement; it is staying together despite disagreement. Unity is not conformity; it is a generosity of being that not merely allows but deeply desires a diversity of expression. Unity is not an organizational chart or authority structure; it is an empowering culture where every individual believes in their agency and autonomy and has the support of their community to launch out, take risks, be creative, and accomplish greatness. Unity is not commanded; it is earned. Unity cannot coexist with fear but thrives in love. Unity is not to-each-his-own, laissez-faire tolerance; it is blood-sweat-and-tears, deeply invested care in the well-being of others. Unity is not a destination to arrive at; it is a destination to aim at and a vehicle of kindness to ride in on the way there…

You will get whatever you focus on. That's a promise and a warning.

It appears that the biblical authors saw faith as a way of seeing—a way of envisioning the future with hope-inspired imagination. God has given us this incredible gift of being able to shape the world into the vision we have for it. The tools we use are all different, but the effect is the same: our feet and fingers translate what we see (or hear) in our imaginations to physically manifest in the form of art, food, music, architecture, or economic and political solutions. Faith is our ability to see and shape the future into whatever vision we foster on the inside, good or bad, negative or positive.

Get This One Thing and Fear Will Stop Sabotaging Your Dreams.

This is so foundational to the way the universe works that even if you don't know that God sees you and has real affection for you, when you operate with this, doors will open. Things will happen. Resources will flow toward you. Opportunities will greet you. There are countless stories floating out there proving this principle.

An Open Letter to All Who Have Been to the Mountaintop.

The word “valley” gets a bad rap. In our spiritual journey language we often use the valley as a metaphor to represent something negative, dark, threatening, dangerous, dry or desolate. I’d like to reclaim the meaning of “valley” to its true meaning. A valley is a lush, beautiful, sun-filled, temperate place fit for dwelling, building, farming and families. The valley is where we are called to live…not just something to travel through on the way to the next mountaintop.