All tagged Valley Living

Enjoying your life is how you let out the light

The most responsible thing we can do to show our solidarity with Ukrainians and with every other people group that is undergoing to love our kids, to throw birthday parties, to walk our dogs, to tend our gardens, to hug a loved one, to speak words of life, and to show simple acts of kindness to a stranger. Simply put, the way we beat the darkness out there is to cultivate light on the inside, through all the little, faithful things. Folding laundry, changing diapers, taking that online class, putting in extra time at work, taking time off of work to take our kids to a park, all of it—every single bit of normal life—will confound the powers of darkness in the world, to the point of making them transparently silly and laughable…

An Open Letter to All Who Have Been to the Mountaintop.

The word “valley” gets a bad rap. In our spiritual journey language we often use the valley as a metaphor to represent something negative, dark, threatening, dangerous, dry or desolate. I’d like to reclaim the meaning of “valley” to its true meaning. A valley is a lush, beautiful, sun-filled, temperate place fit for dwelling, building, farming and families. The valley is where we are called to live…not just something to travel through on the way to the next mountaintop.