All tagged Sovereignty

Shall We Accept Good from God and Not Trouble?

Let’s back up to the beginning—to the most oft-quoted verse from the book. After the disasters strike, his wife tempts him to curse God and die, suggesting that all of his religious practice and integrity have amounted to nothing. Job replies, “‘Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?’ In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.” (Job 2:10 NIV)

The Butterfly Effect

It is said that if a butterfly in China approaches a tree and decides to go left instead of right, the effect of its decision and the flap of its wings can cause a hurricane in the Caribbean. This popular insight is meant to highlight the effect of the smallest first causes on a macro-level. Calvinists use this chaos theory thought-experiment to support their claim that God must control everything, including the flaps of butterflies’ wings (and everything else from quantum particles to meteors). Otherwise, everything would be in constant chaos.