All tagged Poetry

We Are One. A Declarative Poem of Corporate Identity.

...We are the wisdom of Solomon.
We are the heart of David.
We are the faith of Abraham.
We are the fear of Isaac.
We are the courage of Deborah.
We are Jonathan’s armor-bearer.
We are the strength of Samson.
We are the favored ones.
We are the mantle of Elijah.
We are the many-colored coat of Joseph.
We are the staff of Moses.
We are Joseph’s best dream.
We are the light of the world.
We Are One...

Stop Living as a Judge. Enjoy Life Like an Artist.

Don't live one more day as a judge. Get drunk with the abundance of divine love. Wield the paintbrush and the eye of an artist. Swing the quill with the playfulness of a poet. Combine passion and oration to stir the souls of men, women and children. Be free to be playful or serious when the rhythm of love demand either. We don’t play the flute or sing the dirge for Love to respond. It’s the other way around.