All tagged God is Humble

Empire and Anarchy versus God's idea of Government

The surprising miracle of the Bible, which is still the best selling book in the world, is this simple fact: It was written by the hanged, by the executed, by the oppressed and downtrodden, and NOT by the executioners, NOT by the kings, NOT by the military generals or the victors. This is a very impressive feat. It is a celebration of the underdogs of history. It is the voice of the slaves, the women, the minority peoples, the pushed around, shoved around, beat up and displaced people of the world.

Lessons on God from Fathering Children

These are mediations on God’s Fatherhood. Each meant to complete the sentence: As a Good Father, God….(#2: …Is a Generous giver. A father wants to give to his kids. He can’t stop it. Yesterday’s gifts aren’t enough for a good father. There are always new things to give.

Did Jesus leave his weapons behind Hacksaw-Ridge-style?

We have this beautiful poem in the New Testament—the Kenosis Hymn—to invite us into the same “Aha moment” that the early church celebrated and commemorated. This “Aha” will change the way you see everything. It will redefine strength and godlikeness. It will become a flaming example of humility that burns away all pride and fear of smallness…

Telling your child this is scary but so rewarding. (On Parenting, Part 1)

I remember the beginning of the unraveling. It was a few years ago when our oldest was four. She wanted a banana at bedtime. I said no. Back in those days, I was of the opinion that if I had said “no” it was unchangeable. “The father hath spoken the irrevocable NO.” But four year olds don’t get that, so she kept asking for a banana. Using my brilliant parenting logic, and channeling the spirits of my parents and their parents and hundreds of generations of parents down the line, I said...

The "Rod of Iron" loosens its grip on Jesus.

Have you ever heard that when Jesus returns, he’ll rule the nations with a rod of iron? What image comes to mind? If you’re like me, a picture of muscly Rambo-Jesus crushing rebellion with a heavy fist is somehow the first picture that pops up. Funny. But not so funny. Because it’s not true.

No more guessing game. We now know exactly what God is like.

God is not just a good idea. God isn’t wanting to control you. God isn’t a hoop to jump through. He isn’t a guru or stoic zen-master. God isn’t aloof. He isn’t complicated. He isn’t just for the really smart, really good or really deep. God is a tangible reality. God is abundant and accessible. Lean back and relax. Lean in and step forward. We have to sway to remain in God. He has sway with us. And we have sway with Him.

God did not plan for Jesus to be born in a stable

Story always trumps theology, the matter of fact details matters more than theorizing, and that God may not have a secret purpose behind why things happen the way they do. Why do we assume that because Bible stories happened a certain way then God must have wanted it that way? We don’t think that way about Aleppo, or our Loved One’s cancer, or school shootings. No. God did not want His Son to be born in a manger, in a stable or with smelly animals. Because He is a good father, He wants the best for his kids.