All tagged Future Joy

We Hold the Keys to a United Future

We are his beloved. We are not a random evolutionary event happening on a lifeless rock floating through emotionally-detached space. No, this planet is alive. The universe is alive. And we are connected to all of it. We are the children of all of it being connected. We are the tip of the flame of a universe on fire. We are the manifestation of all the desires of divinity. We are the crown jewel on the big bang. We are the apple of God's eye. We are what he's been waiting for and desiring since the beginning. We are center-stage in a drama of universe-wide proportions and deep, deep significance.

It All Starts with How You See the End (Embracing a Hopeful Eschatology)

I grew up in a tradition that generally believed that the world was getting worse. The idea was in the atmosphere. It was also explicitly taught as coming from the Bible. There would be teaching series from the pulpit on Bible prophecy and what to expect for the future. It was always pretty negative. And depending on whether you believed in a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture, you would have varying levels of anxiety regarding your future. But rarely ever hope.