All tagged Fatherhood

Lessons on God from Fathering Children

These are mediations on God’s Fatherhood. Each meant to complete the sentence: As a Good Father, God….(#2: …Is a Generous giver. A father wants to give to his kids. He can’t stop it. Yesterday’s gifts aren’t enough for a good father. There are always new things to give.

Telling your child this is scary but so rewarding. (On Parenting, Part 1)

I remember the beginning of the unraveling. It was a few years ago when our oldest was four. She wanted a banana at bedtime. I said no. Back in those days, I was of the opinion that if I had said “no” it was unchangeable. “The father hath spoken the irrevocable NO.” But four year olds don’t get that, so she kept asking for a banana. Using my brilliant parenting logic, and channeling the spirits of my parents and their parents and hundreds of generations of parents down the line, I said...