All tagged Critique

Should Women be Portrayed as Superheroes? A Critique of the Worldview that says No.

Don’t believe for a second that women are any different from men in this ability to receive inspiration and encouragement from superhero movies. It is a very good and necessary thing. Around the world, women—many who have been abused, oppressed, or told that they need a man because they are incapable of strength and courage on their own—who watch these movies feel released. They begin to believe that they, too, can be powerful—not necessarily leading to taking up kick boxing or buying combat boots or “trading in their skirts”—but rather because deep down inside the soul of every women, there is a longing to be free and powerful. It demands the freedom to be inspired and to dream even bigger. Through these films, women everywhere were affirmed that they, too, were made in God’s image, to exhibit strength and power. We all know that physical strength is not where true power lies. True power comes from a much deeper place. And women have as much access to that inner source of bravery-inspired action as men do.